It is necessary to study the unsteady nonlinear aerodynamic characteristics of a wig flying in air with disturbed waves for the design of high - performance wig vehicle , especially for the subject that how to improve the safety , maneuver ability near sea wave , and economics of the wig flying over sea waves 研究地效翼在风浪扰动气流场中掠海飞行的非定常气动力问题,对于高性能地效翼船的设计,特别是对于提高地效翼船在风浪中飞行的安全性,操纵性以及经济性都是十分重要的。
A mathematical model reflecting the tilt rotor unsteady and nonlinear aerodynamic characteristics in the longitudinal channel is presented in the paper . in the full flight envelope , the rotor thrust continues tilting and the aerodynamic forces of each component change as a function of airspeed and nacelle angle 在整个飞行包线内,旋翼的推力矢量方向不断变化,飞机各部件的气动力随发动机短舱倾角和空速的变化而变化,因而飞机的飞行动力学有很强的非定常、非线性特性。